Our Lions District 4A2 Governor Falguni Patel.

1st Vice District Governor Christy Kroell draws for the marble.
Todays Meeting
Lion President Tony led our meeting today and called on lion Lion John Parker to lead us in saluting our flag, Lion Dee to lead us in singing God Bless America, and Lion Bob Line to do the invocation.
Our president, Lion Tony, won the no-fine badge today.
We had many guests today, starting with our district governor Lion Falguni Patel, 1st vice district governor Lion Christy Kroell and her husband, past district governor Al Kroell, along with Past District governer David Beeman and his wife. Also, a past district governor, Lion Vicki Beeman. Our current zone chair Lion John Ward was with us, along with two Hanford Lions. A former member of our club, Mark Olson, was here today and back after a long absence was Lion John Parker.
Lion Dee announced there would be a meeting to get the Leo club at La Sierra school organized Monday, March 6th, at noon at the school, located at 1735 E Houston Ave.
Lion Pat announced that the Mighty Oak Chorus, the singing group that Dee and himself are members of, would be having a concert at the Neighborhood Church in Visalia on April 29th at 2:00.
Lion Allen announced the Monday night visitation at the Visalia Pride club at St. Paul’s church, Center and Hall in Visalia. The meeting starts at 6:30, but Jon Ward said to arrive at 6:00 if you want to eat.
Happy Bucks
Former member Mark Olson was happy to be back at club and plans to join again.
Lion Pat was $3 happy because his sister-in-law was back home after being in the hospital.
Lion John Parker was $20 happy to be back at club.
1st Vice district governor Christy Kroell was happy to be with us also.
PDG Lion Al Kroell was also happy to be with us today.
District Governor Falguni Patel was also happy to join us and give the program today.
Lion Pete was happy because the SF Giants are undefeated this year.
Lion Karen was $10 happy, one dolor for each of our guests and one for Mark and Lion John, who were with us after long absences.
Lion Roy was happy for all the guests we had today and also for having sat next to Lion Tom Link the previous Saturday evening at the Ruth Woods open arms house fundraiser at the country club.
Lion Tom Link was happy because he was headed to Moro Bay after the meeting today.
Lion President Tony had a happy $5 for everyone here today.
Lion Tom Link was fined for being late.
Lion Betty fined Lion Allen for elbowing her out of the way in the food line.
Lion Elaine fined herself $5 for having to leave early.
Lion Karen also fined herself for having to leave early.
The $5 drawing went to Lion Steve.
Lotto ticket: Lion Allen
The marble drawing went to Lion 1st Vise District governor Christy Khroll won the drawing but did not win the white marble.

Our district governor Lion Falguni Patel was our program today. She gave an inspiring speech about moving forward and getting things done as Lions for the communities we serve.
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