Lion president Aaron led the meeting today and called on Lion Roy to lead us in saluting the flag, Lion Tom Link to lead us in singing the song, and Lion president Aaron did the invocation himself.
News Flash: Clubs’ finances go into a tailspin as Lion Tom Link wins the no fine badge today.
Lion Allen was the secret greater and was able to avoid several people and earn the club some much-needed cash.
Ernest, Nickie, their son Jeremiah, and Jeff from Magnolia Park were with us today.
Auction Items
Lion Tom Link went to Moro Bay this past week and brought back a package of excellent butter cookies that were purchased by Lion Roy for $8.00. (and worth every penny)
Lion Brad had gone to Mississippi and brought back some Lavander soap, along with a how-to talk southern book that our guest, Ernest, purchased for $12.00
Happy Bucks
Lion Roy was happy to be back after a couple of weeks away from the club, and he was happy that the Dodgers were in first place.
Lion Brad was happy that he had a great trip to Mississippi, plus he was glad to see Jeremyah here today and that he had a firm handshake.
Lion Betty was happy that she had dinner with her 7th-grade teacher.
Lion president Aaron was glad that our guests were here today.
Lion Craig was glad he could get to a ledge on Half Dome that was hard to get to, and he was glad to be sitting next to Vicki.
Ernest was happy to be with us today.
Lion Tom Link was happy that both Lions Vicki and Betty had some bling on their shoes.
Lion Vicki was happy her husband was doing well.
Winners and Losers
$5 went to Lion Betty, who donated it to the Leo club.
Lotto tickets went to Lion Tom Link.
Lion Roy drew for the coveted white marble but came up with another color that did not net him anything.
Our guest speaker today was Ernest, the manager of Magnolia Park Assisted Living. His talk was bout his journey from Africa to the United States.

Lion Bob Line won the Free Add this week.
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