Lion President Tony leads our monthly evening meeting.

Lion Karen with her happy bucks.
Lion President Tony lead us in our monthly evening meeting and called on Lion Lauri to lead us in saluting the flag, Lion Bob Line in leading our song, God Bless America, and Lion Melinda did the invocation tonight.
The no fine badge went to Dr. Craig Wheaton, who was also our program.
Lion Melinda was the secret greater, and we gained no cash as everyone shook her hand.
Karen, a friend of Lion Craig, was our guest tonight.
Happy Bucks
Lion Pat was happy that his daughter-in-law had a baby this past week and it appears it will be a very smart kid as Pat said it had a very large head.
Lion Craig had 5 happy dollars for all the people at our night meeting for August.
Lion Melinda was $10 happy to be at the evening meeting as she can not make our Friday meetings.
Lion Roy was happy that he got through the MRI that he had on Monday and that the Dr. said he still had a brain.
Lion Janet was happy to see everyone.
Lion Karen had a happy buck because the Giants were still in the running for the wild card.
There were no fines at this evening’s meeting.
Winners and Losers
Lion Bob Line’s wife, Norma Kay, won the $5 raffle and donated it to the eye foundation.
The lotto tickets went to Lion Dennis.
Today’s Program
Our own Lion Craig was our program today, along with his guest Karen. They talked about their hike around Mt. Blanc in Europe. About the scenery and the various huts they stayed in during their trip.
Lion Craig delivering tonight’s program.

Lion Karen won the free add and is hoping the Giants get into the playoffs as part of the wild card.
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