Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter for 4-26-24

Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter for 4-26-24

Visalia Host Lion meeting for April 26, 2024

Todays Meeting

Lion President Melinda, back from a short break showing relatives from Iowa around the state, led our meeting today and called on Lion Pat to lead us in saluting the flag, Lion Bob Line to lead us in singing God Bless America, and Lion Pete to do the invocation.

No fine badge went to Lion Allen this week.

Lion Melinda began by thanking Lion Dee for standing in for her at the podium last week and wishing Lion Steve a quick recovery from a bout of vertigo he has suffered for the last couple of weeks.


Our main announcement today was saved to the end of the meeting, and because we had no speaker, this became our program. The announcement was that The Sequoia Lions Club had brought up the possibility of merging with our club. Because both our clubs have struggled with membership over the last few years, they have been talking about our two clubs joining forces. After some discussion with Lions Roy and Lion Presidnt Melinda, they brought it up at their board meeting on April 23 and they decided to pursue the idea. A meeting has been set up this Wednesday, May 1st, with representatives from both clubs to discuss what each of us expects, how this would all come about, or if it should go forward. No discision will be made at the meeting, it’s more of a fact finding endivor.

Lion Melinda lead the discussion today and asked the members for their input and ideas. The atmosphere was positive for the merger.

Lion Allen

Lion Allen talks about the Vision Screening machine and the fact that it had broke down and can not be repaired. We can borrow one from the Pride Lions if we need one. 

Lion Pete gets his 35 year pin.

Lion Pete gets his 35 year Lions chevron 

Happy Bucks 

Lion Pete was happy that the Giants were two games below 500. He was also happy that his grandkids had a great baseball game, but thy lost.

Lion Pat was happy that his Mighty Oak Chorus barbershop event last Saturday had gone so well. They even had some high school groups there that were top notch.

Lion Melinda went to the Barbershop show on Saturday and it was fantastic.

Lion John had a happy $10 because he and his wife had gone to the coast and didn’t bring anything back, but hey had a good time. John also had a good joke about a robotic lie detictor.

Lion Karen won last weeks Loto Tickets and collected $15, which she rounded up and gave the club $2.

LIon Brad was happy to be back at our meetings as he has been gone for a few weeks, he was also happy to have gone to the Barbershop show on Saturday and that was great fun. He did mention that the insuranch world was a little crazy now, thought I’m not sure he had a happy buck for that.

Lion Roy was happy the first place dodgers were a few games above 500.

Lion Aaron was $2 happy that his sweetie, Lion Betty would be back at our meeting next week.

Lion Pat was $5 happy bcause his daughter fisished her fourth seminster as a wound nerse and in July will be going to the Cleveland Clinic for training.

Lion Bard was happy because his daugher, the coral director at Visalia First Prespertian, had told him that Lion Tom Link was asking her about Brad and were he had been the last few weeks. They call him Tommy “The Informer” Link.

Lion Tom Link was happy his daughter would be retiring from teaching this year, he was also happy he got two pars in gold this morning.

Lion Melinda was happy that she had such a great time with her relitives in Nor Cal, going to Alcatrize, but she gave $20 because she didn’t bring anything back.


Lion Tom Link was fined for being late. 

Kelly Link

Lion Tom Link had a happy buck because his daugher, Kelly Link, will retire this year.

Lion President Melinda

Lion Melinda checking out her ticket number.


The $5 drawing went to Lion Mark who donated it to the Leo Club.

Lotto ticket: Lion Melinda

The marble drawing went to Lion Roy, who, dispite some serious mential gimnastics,  picked a nonwhite marble, winning nothing but that nonwhite marble.


That’s the way you do it, John Parker won the free add this week. 

As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy) 


Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter 4-19-24

Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter 4-19-24

Dee draws for the coveted white marble

Stand in president Lion Dee draws for the coveted white marble, but comes up empty.

Todays Meeting

Lion Dee led today’s meeting as Lion Melinda was out of town. He called on Lion Colin to lead us in saluting the flag, Lion Pat to lead us in singing America The Beautiful, and Lion Pet to do the invocation.

The drawing for the no-fine badge came up with Lion Pete.

The secret greater today was Lion Pat, and everyone shook his hand.


Lion Elaine shows that there is a white marble in the can.

Lion Elaine shows that there is a white marble in the can.

Lion Dee leads today's meeting.

Lion Dee leads today’s meeting.

Leo Costa talks about nutrition.

Leo Costa talks about nutrition.

Happy Bucks 

Lion Pat was $5 happy because he had sent his daughter and son-in-law some money for a high-end dinner. 

Lion Pete had a happy $20 as he had been gone for four weeks to his home in the south. 

Lion Mark was $3 happy because he had tickets to see Lauren Daigle in concert at the Save Mart Center. 

Lion Roy was happy to see Leo Costa with us today as a speaker. 

Lion Tom Link was happy he had two pars in the morning’s golf game. 

Lion Leigh was happy that he was able to rent out his timeshare in Indio this weekend for $400.

Lion Dee was happy that his Mighty Oak Chorus was having its 40th annual show on Saturday. 

Lion Mark was also happy that he had gone with the family to Giant Forest and the General Sherman Tree. 

Lion Aaron was happy that his wife, Lion Betty would be back at our club meeting next week. 

Lion Tom Link had a happy buck for Leo Costa being with us today as it reminded him that he had won a raffle price to Leo’s Gym, G fit plus at the Murder Mystery Dinner last fall. 


Lion Dee fined all of us for not knowing the answers to several questions about the Lion Clubs. How many members do the Lions have worldwide? (1.4 Million) Who is the Lion’s international president? (Patty Hill) Where is this year’s International Convention? (Melbourne, Australia) 


The $5 drawing went to Lion Pat, who donated it to the Leo Club.

Lotto ticket: Lion karen

The marble drawing went to stand in president Lion Dee, who picked a nonwhite marble, winning nothing but that nonwhite marble.


Lion Karen won the free add this week. 

As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy) 


Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter 4-12-24

Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter 4-12-24

Visalia Host Lions meeting of 4-12-24

Todays Meeting

Lion President Melinda called on Lion Steve to lead us in saluting our flag, Lion Dee to lead us in singing God Bless America, and Lion John to do the invocation.

Lion Bob Line won the no-fine badge today.

Lion Tony was our secret greeter today, and the only person who didn’t shake his hand was Lion Elaine.


Lion President Melinda announced that last Wednesday’s board meeting was canceled due to a lack of interest—actually, because no members were able to attend. We decided to punt it into May.

Lion Melinda announced that she would be out of town next week, and Lion Dee offered to take the podium at next week’s meeting.

Lion Steve picks a green marble and wins nothing

Lion Steve picks a green marble and wins nothing.

Mary and Brian talk to us about the new homeless shelter

Mary and Brian talk to us about the low barrier shelter being built for the homeless. 

Happy Bucks 

Lion Melinda had $5 happy bucks because she has Cussons coming from Iowa next week. She was excited to see them and show them some local attractions. She was also happy that Lion Dee would stand in for her next week when she was out and about.

Lion Elaine was happy to be back at our club meeting after being gone for a few weeks. She was also happy that Lion Betty is on the mend after surgery and hopes to return to us soon.

Lion Mark had a happy $6 because he had bought a new car.

Lion John was also happy that he had a new car, though he had purchased it last year and had forgotten to give a happy buck for it at that time.

Lion Pat was happy that one of his grandsons was taking up fencing. (that’s the sport, by the way, not putting up fence boards)

Lion Bob Line, the no-fine badge winner today, was happy because a granddaughter of one of the residents at Quail Park Shannon Ranch, where he lives, was on Wheel of Fortune and one some mula.

Lion Karen was happy to see our speakers today.

Lion Allen was happy he had a good time in Anaheim watching his Red Sox play the Angeles last weekend.


Lion Eleine was fined because she was late.

Lion Dee fined Lion Tom Link for conversing during the meeting.

Lion Melinda called for anyone who did not have a badge, but all of us did.


The $5 drawing went to Lion John, who donated it to the Leo Club.

Lotto ticket: Lion Tom Link. 


Lion Jamil with a Giants shirt on.

Lion Tony won the free ad and, for some reason, said I could not put the COS Giant’s in an add this time.

As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy) 


Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter 4-5-24

Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter 4-5-24

Tony hands out gifts to Lion Allen

Our program today, Tony Noriega, hands out a gift to Lion Allen 

Todays Meeting

Lion President Melinda once again led our meeting and called on Lion Bob Line to lead us in saluting our flag, Lion Pat to lead us in singing America the Beautiful, and Lion Dee to do the invocation. Once that was completed, Lion Allen introduced our only guest, Tony Noriega, with Gentiva Hospice, who was also our program today. It was noted that Tony was not related to the more well-known Manuel Noriega of Pamana fame. 

The no-fine badge went to Lion John today.


Wednesday, April 10th: Board Meeting at Mountain Mikes Pizza on Mooney. 5:30 start time.

This month’s birthdays are Lions Clif Dunbar and our president, Lion Melinda, so we sang happy birthday to Melinda.

Lion Melinda also handed out a 45-year chevron award to Lion Tom Gaebe. Lion Steve was his sponsor, Steve having joined just a year or two before Lion Tom.

Lion Allen announced another vision screen will take place this Thursday, the 11th, from 5 to 7 at Sequoia High School’s early learning Resource Fair taking place at 1040 N. Woodland St. If you can help, please let Lion Allen know at 559-936-4563.


Lion Colin draws a ticket

Lion Colin draws a ticket. 

Lion Steve counting his dollars.

Lion Steve counts his money. 

Lion President presents Lion Tom Gaebe with his 45 year chevron.

Lion Melinda presents Lion Tom Gaebe with his 45 year chevron award. 

Auction Items

Lion Tom Link had been to the coast and brought back a $10 bill, which he substituted for the bag of saltwater taffy that was usual for Tom’s trip to Moro Bay.

Happy Bucks 

Lion Pat was happy that a biopsy on his elbow came back negative for cancer.

Lion Aaron was happy to be back. He is doing well, and his wife, Lion Betty, is also doing better and hopes to be back in the club soon.

Lion John was happy to see Lion Aaron back and noted that he had seen Lion Craig recently but now without a ponytail.

Lion Dee was happy he had a new great-grandson (his 10th). Winston, 7.5 lbs.

Lion Tom Gaebe was happy that tax season it almost over.

Lion Bob Line was also happy that tax season is almost over, as he will be getting a refund.

Lion Tom Link was happy that he and his wife would travel to the Greek Islands in July.

Lion Allen was happy to be going to Anaheim to see the Red Sox play the Angels this weekend.

Lion Karen was also happy to see Aaron with us today.

Lion president Melinda was happy that two of her cousins would be visiting her later this month, and they had plans to see several of the sites as her cousins had not been to California.

Lion Roy was happy to see Lion Aaron with us today, and he had three happy bucks as the Dodger won all three of three against the Giants this week.



Lion Dee fined Lion Roy for his decision to follow baseball again. Perhaps those three games this week contributed to that fine. 

Lion Colin fined himself for being late.

Lion Melinda fined herself for calling Lion Allen, Lion Roy.

Lion Dee fined Lion Tom Link for playing golf in the rain. Lion Pat said he thought that was dedication to the sport.

Lion Pat fined Lion President Melinda for not calling for fines for those who did not have a badge on.

Tony Noriega with Gentiva Hospice

was our program today. He talked about how Gentiva was a nationwide organization that relied on many volunteers to work with those in hospice care and found that many people are all alone when they pass away. Having someone with them, if nothing more than to sit and talk, was a great relief to them.

Tony Noriega with Gentiva Hospice

Tony Noriega with Gentiva Hospice


The $5 drawing went to Lion Allen, who donated it to the Leo Club. 

Lotto ticket: Lion Steve

The marble drawing went to Lion Tom Gaebe, who picked a nonwhite marble, winning nothing but that nonwhite marble.


Lion Bob Line won the free add and says Go COS Baseball

As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy) 


Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter 3-29-24

Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter 3-29-24

Visalia Host lions meeting of 3-29-24

Sabaschin Owens, with the Tulare County Special Olympics gives his talk about the adventures he has had this past year with the group.

Todays Meeting

Lion Tony was asked to lead us in saluting our flag today by Lion President Melinda, and he did a fine job, as did Lion Leigh in leading us in song, and Lion Dee, who did the invocation.

The no fine badge went to our secretary, Lion Steve today.

Lion Allen announced our guest today, the Owens family with Sabaschin from the Tulare County Special Olympics.

Secret greeter: Lion Bob Line, who was Mr. Big Popular today, and everyone shook his hand.


Lion Melinda announced that Lions Betty and Aaron were recovering from heart issues. We all wish them a speedy recovery and hope to see them soon.

Lion Allen had an update on Lion Justin, who lost his job recently but is looking for a new one. He has a new girlfriend who lives in London.

Dee announced his Barbershop Group, the Mighty Oak Chorus’s upcoming show on April 20th.

Lion Tony

Lion Tony asks why I am taking his photo. 

Lion Melinda

Lion Melinda leading the meeting today. 

Lion Leigh with Sabaschin

Lion Leigh with our program speaker today, Special Olympics representative, Sabaschin Owen.

Happy Bucks 

Lion Pat was happy that Franks Appliance recently replaced his stove.

Lion Dee was happy Easter was Sunday and wanted everyone to consider its meaning.

Lion Bob Line was happy that his grandson, who coaches the El Demonte baseball team, was playing in a tournament in San Diego this weekend.

Lion Roy was happy the Dodgers had won on Thursday and was happy he had a good novel to read, only to find out it was a horror story since it took place in and around Oracle Pack, the home of the Giants.

Lion Allen had a trivia buck. He asked if anyone knew why Easter always fell on different days.  Easter’s exact date may seem arbitrary, but it’s always on the Sunday after the first full moon (also known as the Paschal Full Moon) that occurs after the spring equinox. This means that Easter can fall anywhere between March 22 and April 25.

Lion Steve was happy that his Granddaughters volleyball team had gone 8 + 1 this year. 

Lion Melinda was happy her son got hired on at Cal Trans. He will be working along highway 99 between Visalia and Fresno. (I will be on the lookout for him) 


Lion Pat fined Lion Leigh for not hitting him up for donations to Tulare County’s Special Olympics. He gets mail from the National office that he puts into the round file because the money doesn’t go locally.

Lion Dee fined Lion Bob Line because he saw advertisements that living at Quail Park Shannon Ranch, where Lion Bob lives, was like being on a Cruze.


Lion Pat drawing for the white marble.

Lion Pat, drawing for the white marble.

Lion Bob, drawing for a ticket to paradise, or at least the $5.

Lion Bob, drawing for a ticket to paradise, or at least the marble.


The $5 drawing went to Lion Allen, who gave it to the Leo club and helped out at the recent Special Olympics Track and Field meet. 

Lotto ticket: Lion Bob Line. 

The marble drawing went to Lion Pat, who came up clearly empty-handed. (clear marble) 

special olympics

As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy) 


Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter 3-22-24

Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter 3-22-24

Rance Mulliniks speaks to the club

Former major league baseball player Rance Mulliniks speaks to the club

Todays Meeting

Lion President Melinda led our meeting today and asked Lion Colin to lead us in saluting the flag, Lion Dee to lead us in singing God bless America—and Lion Bob Line to do the invocation. 

No fine badge went to Lion Allen today. 


Lion Allen announced that the eye screening, set for Saturday in Goshen, was canceled because of the chance of rain. 

Lion Dee was our marble drawing winner today

Lion Dee was our marble drawing winner today, but he came up with one that was not quite white. 

Auction Items

No items were auctioned off today, but Lion Roy had been to the coast for his anniversary and gave $10 because he had brought back nothing to auction off.

Happy Bucks 

Lion John had a happy buck for his Visalia store, Feet for Life, which recently celebrated its 41st anniversary.

Lion Allen was happy that baseball was starting up and that this would be the 25th year that he and his sons would see the Red Sox play the Angles in Anaheim, this year on April 6th.

Lion Roy was happy to see Rance Mulliniks as our speaker today.

Lion Dee was happy that his barbershop group, the Mighty Oak Chorus,  was having its annual program on April 20th.

Lion Mark was just happy to be here today.


Lion Mark fined himself for being late. 

Lion Dee fined Lion Allen for talking politics. 


The $5 drawing went to Lion Bob Line who gave it to the eye foundation. 

Lotto ticket: Lion Dee. 

The marble drawing went to Lion Dee (that guy wins everything) who picked a marble that was close to white, but no cigar. 





Our program today was Rance Mulliniks.

Rance played in professional baseball from 1977 to 1991 for the California Angeles, The Kansas City Royals, and the Toronto Blue Jays. His talk today was about changing the way you think and approach your life and your business, and he did it through stories of his baseball career. It was a good program and fun for us baseball fans to hear stories of when Rance faced Nolan Ryan and went two for three against him.

Rance Mulliniks

Lion Tony won the free ad and went with the Rockies this week, much to the relief of your Roar editor. 

As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy)