Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter for 12-6-24

Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter for 12-6-24

Pat displays the afgan

Lions Tony and Mark display the afgan that Lion president Melinda made for Lion Pat. 

Our Meeting

Lion President Melinda led the meeting today and called on Lion Steve to lead us in saluting the flag, Lion Bob Line to lead us in singing God Bless America, and Lion Mark to do the invocation.

The no-fine badge went to Lion Leigh today.

Once again we did not have a secret greeter and Lion Melinda put in $5.

Our only guest today was Johnathan Ward, a fellow Lion from the Visalia Pride Club and our zone chair.


Lion Pat, added by Lions Mark and Tony, showed off the wonderful afghan that Lion Melinda had made for him; he soon gave it to Lion Tom Link.

Lion Bob Line announced that Lion Pete would have been at the club, but he was in the Bay Area at his brother’s retirement party with his parents.

December birthdays: it was the first meeting of December, and three birthdays were celebrated. Lions Tom Link, Colin Franey, and John Parker were not only all born in the month of December, but all would celebrate their birthdays on the 20th of the month.

Lion President Melinda noted that the Student Speaker contest will be held in the first part of next year.

Lion Melinda wanted to thank Lions Brad and Mark for covering for her for the last couple of weeks while she was recovering from knee surgery.

Christmas toy drive for the Visalia Emergency Aid Council: Bring an unwrapped toy for a boy and a girl at one of the next two meetings, as we will be giving them to the VEAC.

Lion Johnathan Ward noted that the warming center at St. Paul’s Church will soon open for the unhoused.

Lion Leigh also noted that we will pass the hat to our server, Daniel, in the next two meetings. He has done a great job for us this whole year.

Auction Items

Lion Tom Link had some chocolate bombs that went to Lion Par for $19.

LIon Johnathan Ward, our speaker today.

LIon Johnathan Ward, our speaker today.

Lion Melinda leads todays meeting

Lion Melinda leads todays meeting

Lion Tom auctions off chocolate bombs

Lion Tom auctions off some chocolate bombs. (don’t take a bath with them)

Happy Bucks

Lion Roy had a happy buck for how well this year’s Candy Cande Lane Parade organization went. He was also pleased that he had photographed the Race Against Hunger for Visalia Emergency Aid on Thanksgiving morning; with 5,700 participants, it was a pretty thrilling event. He was also happy that he was putting on a training session in Woodlake for some new photographers in his volume photography business.

Lion Steve was happy the parade went well and thanked everyone who participated.

Lion Johnathan Ward was happy to be with us today but had a sad buck because traffic the night of the parade was terrible.

Lion Leigh was also happy at how the parade had worked out. He had helped solve one big issue: a couple of big trucks could not get to where they were supposed to line up, but it all worked out with some maneuvering through the Enterprize Rent-a-Car Lot.

Lion Allen also had a happy buck for the parade, but as to the truck maneuvering situation, he just walked away from it. He was also excited to spend time with his Kids over the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Lion Mark was happy to spend the Holiday in Idahoe with his daughter.

Thanks to her recent knee surgery, Lion President Melinda was happy she could walk without pain. She was also happy that the parade went well and that Steve made her leave early because walking is still a little hard for her.

No one fined anyone.


A $5 drawing went to roar editor Lion Roy today, and he donated it to the Leo club. 

Lotto tickets went to Lion President Melinda. 

Lion Tom Link won the ability to draw for the white marble and yes, he did win the white marble and $69. 

Free Add

El Diamonte logo

Lion Bob Line wone the free add and says go El Diemonte Baseball

Speaker Bookings


As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this scheduler app to book your speaker, or send them the link to this page and have them do it themselves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy)


Visalia Host Lion Roar Newsletter 11-22-24

Visalia Host Lion Roar Newsletter 11-22-24

Visalia Host Lions meeting 11-22-24

Jason Crabtree with CSET was our speaker today, talking about the city’s new Navigation Center that has just recently opened. 

Todays Meeting

Lion Mark stood in for Lion Melinda in leading our meeting and called on Lion Steve to salute our flag, Lion Bob Line to sing “God Bless America,” and Lion John to do the invocation. He introduced our guest and speaker today, Jason Crabtree from CSET, and drew the no-fine ticket that went to Lion Tony, also known as Every Day Tony, as per Lion Steve.


Monday, December 2, 5:00 PM: Candy Cain Lane Parade. Meet at the corner of Main and Liberty (in front of Uhl Rubber Company) and get ready to wrangle the parade participants.

Secret Greeter: Lion Allen was Mr. Big Popular today, as everyone shook his hand.

Lion John auctioning off his latest brew.

Lion John auctioning off his latest brew.

Lion tom and the bag of Salt Water Taffee

Lion Tom auctions off his bag of salt water taffy.

Lion Steve contomplaes the meeting.

Lion Steve contemplates the purchase of saltwater, taffy and beer but lets Karen take them both.

Auction Items

Lion Tom Link had been to the coast and brought back a bag of Salt Water Taffee that he auctioned off to Lion Karen for $10. She promptly purchased a bottle of Lion John’s latest brew to go with it.

Happy Bucks 

Lion Mark was happy that he would see his daughter Hannah in Idaho.

Lion Leigh was $5 and happy to be celebrating his 38th wedding anniversary.

Lion John was happy that no kids would be visiting this year for Thanksgiving, so he didn’t have to cook and could go to the Vintage Press for the holiday meal.

Lion Betty was happy to be back with us.

Lion Allen was happy that his son Travis, was in Sidney, Australia.

Lion Mark was happy to see Basketball Star Caitlin Clark playing in the Pro-Am Golf tournament.

Lion Roy was happy to see Lion Betty back with us and happy she had pointed out an issue with the club’s website last week.


Lion Karen fined herself for not having her badge. 

Lion Elaine also fined herself for no badge. 

Lion Mark

Lion Mark was our leader today.

Jason Crabtree

Jason Crabtree from CSET talkes about the new Navagation Center


The $5 drawing went to Lion Karen, and she donated it to the eye foundation. 

Lotto ticket went to Lion Bob Line for the second week in a row. 

The marble drawing went to Lion Roy, who was unable to conjure up the white marble. 

visalia navagation center

Our guest speaker, Jason Crabtree, won the free ad today. 
Check out the Visalia Navigation Center 

As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy) 


Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter for 11-15-24

Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter for 11-15-24

Lions Colin and John

Lion Bob Line looks on as Lion John draws for the white marble but comes up short.

Todays Meeting

Standing in for Lion President Melinda today was past president Lion Brad, who called on Lion Tony to lead us in saluting the flag, Lion Bob Line to lead us in singing God Bless America, and Lion Mark to do the invocation.

Guests today were our speakers from the California Service Dog Academy, Matthew and Rebecca Corso. 

The no-fine badge went to Lion Colin today. 

Our secret greeter today was Lion Cloin, who said everyone but Elaine shook his hand today. 


December 2nd: Help organize the Christmas Parade. If you have not signed up yet, you can always run up that evening at about 5:00 to the corner of Main and Liberty in front of Uhl Rubber Company.

There will be no Meeting on November 29th, the day after Thanksgiving, also known as Black Friday.

Lion Karen

Lion Karen auctions off her bag of cookies from Disneyland

Lion Brad

Lion Bard, our leader today, had two happy bucks from former Lion Chris Baldwin. But what’s the deal with that back glove? 

Auction Items

Lion Karen auctioned off a bag of cookies purchased on Main Street in Disneyland, which brought $10 to the club.

Happy Bucks 

Lion Mark had a happy buck because he had been on Coronado Island for a week’s vacation. Since he did not bring back auction items, he added $15.

Lion John had a happy buck because his daughter had just turned 41.

Lion Roy had a happy buck because his oldest son, Ray, turned 45 last week.

Lion Steve was happy that he had undergone 15 radiation treatments and only had 13 remaining.

Lion Karen had a happy buck because her son-in-law had a birthday last week.

Using a black vinyl glove, Lion Brad had two happy bucks from former Lion Chris Baldwin for the Dodgers winning the World Series. The black glove was protection from infections from that “Dodger Money.” So apparently, just touching money from a Dodger fan can convert you into a Dodger Fan.

Lion Pat was happy that his granddaughter, who lives in Rancho Bernardo, turned 11 this month, and her brother turns 14 later this month.

Lion Elaine was happy that she got to spend the last two weekends with her sister.



Lion Karen fined Lion Bob Line for messing up in the song today.


The $5 drawing went to Lion Mark, who donated it to the eye foundation.

Lotto ticket: Lion Steve.

The marble drawing went to Lion John Parker, , who picked a nonwhite marble, winning nothing but that nonwhite marble.

Ugg boots

Lion John Parker won the free ad this week and asked that you buy the one you love, a pair of Ugg Boots. 

As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy) 


The Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter 11-8-24

The Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter 11-8-24

visalia host lions meeting 11-8-24

Lion President Melinda leading the meeting for November 8, 2024

Todays Meeting

Lion President Melinda led our meeting today and called on Roar Editor Lion Roy to lead the pledge, then on Lion Bob Line to lead us in singing God Bless America and asked Lion Pete to lead us in the invocation.

No fine badge went to Lion Tony, who breathed a sigh of relief at the money he had saved.


Lion Pat announced that his barbershop group, the Mighty Oak Chorus, will perform a Christmas program at the Rize Church at 1023 N. Chinworth on December 13th. Tickets will be available soon on their website. 

Lion Aaron gave us a report on Lion Betty. She is doing better, and later this month, she will go to Stanford for more tests to determine the issue with her heart. She thanked us for the card we recently sent her.

Lion Tom Link’s wife Ordonna’s funeral service will be held at the First Prespertian Church on Oak St. this coming Saturday starting at 11 a.m.

Lion Brad agreed to take over meeting duties while Lion President Malinda is in Texas this coming Friday, visiting with former Host Lions Carol and Ed Jones.

Lion Melinda did not select a secret greeter today, so she put in $5 for that transgression.

Lion Melinda reviewed some details discussed at this morning’s board meeting. One was that any new requests for donations in the next few months would be put on hold. The club is bleeding money from low attendance at meetings (we have a minimum that Left of Center requires for lunch, and we rarely meet that minimum) and has not had any profitable fundraisers in several years.

An idea was floated to set up a letter to be sent to local businesses, giving a little info about our club and asking those companies to have some employees join us to become a part of the community.

It's not my fult says Lions Pete

It’s not my fault says Lions Pete.

Lion Pat

Yep, it is your Fault says Lion Pat

Happy Bucks 

Lion Pete recently returned from a European vacation, where he won a jackpot on a cruise ship and gave $20 as his 10% to the club.

Lion Pat gave five happy bucks because Lion Dee’s back surgery went very well. The pain in his back is gone, though sitting down can be pretty painful. Also, his daughter is now employed as a wound care specialist at the San Diego VA Hospital and is enjoying it.

Lion Tom Gaebe had a happy buck for a hunting trip in Oregon that was a success.

Lion Steve was happy that his wife was a great caretaker and had been driving him around. tanking him to doctor visits and to the meeting today. After fifty-four years of marriage, “you can’t get much better than that,” he said.

Lion Brad was happy the election was over, and now, as an insurance agent, he can’t wait till medicare enrollment is over.

Lion Melinda was $10 happy to be traveling to Texas to see Lions Ed and Carol Jone, and while there, she will be able to see her Grandaughter.


Lion Tom Gaebe fined Lion Allen for putting butter on his chocolate chip cookie.

Lion Pat fined Lion Tom Gaebe for not asking him for a donation for a Trophie for the band review. 

Lion Bob Line won the Lotto Ticket

Lion Bob Line show off his Lotto Ticket he won whyle son in law, Lion Pete draws for the marble.

Lion Pete dosen't draw the white marble.

Lion Pete looks at the marble and realizes he has wone nothing. 


The $5 drawing went to Lion Aaron, who donated it to the Leo Club. 


Lion Melinda won the free add (again) 

As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy) 


Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter for 11-1-24

Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter for 11-1-24

students from Visalia prepatory high school

Visalia’s University Preparatory High School’s Robotics club students were today’s program.

Todays Meeting

Today’s meeting, led by Lion President Melinda, began with Lion Tony leading the flag salute, Lion Bob Line doing the honors with our song “God Bless America,” and Lion Mark doing the invocation.

No fine badge: Lion Pat was the lucky winner today.


Lion Melinda gave us the sad news that Lion Tom Links’s wife, Ordonna, had passed away. Please keep Lion Tom in your thoughts and prayers, and when we receive notice of services, we will pass them along.

Lion Johnathan Ward, our Zone Chairman, was our guest today.

Lion Melinda also announced that the club has no members born in the month of November.

Lion Melinda did have some good news. Lion Dee is doing very well after his back surgery on Wednesday and hopes to be back with us next week.

The Christmas parade is coming up soon. Lion Melinda has been in touch with Lion Steve and will have things worked out for us to organize the participants, as we have done for many years.

Lion John Parker visited the Visalia Breakfast Lions, which had forty members in attendance, and talked to one person from the Sequoia club who was transferring to the breakfast club. Lion Melinda said the merger of our club with Sequoia is on hold till after the first of the year.

Lion Bob Line

Lion Bob Line leds us in singing god Bless America. 

Lion president Melinda

Lion melinda leads the meeting. 

Lion Tony

Lion Tony, collecting happy bucks and fines. 

Happy Bucks 

Lion Pat had five happy bucks for the hay ride on Halloween in Elderwood, where he lives. This year, seventeen kids took part. They do the hayride because the houses are so far apart.

Lion Roy had four $5 bills, one for each game of the World Series that the Dodgers won; he added a dollar for Freedy Freeman’s grand slam and one for Melinda (a Giant fan) for her text congratulating him on the Dodgers win. He also had a happy buck because the word choke is now spelled JUDGE.

Lion John Parker had five happy bucks, one for the Dodgers and one as a fine for his phone going off during the meeting.

Lion Allen was happy the Yankees had lost the World Series. He noted that he was a fan of any team that plays the Yankees.

Lion Johnathan Ward was happy for everyone to be here today and that he was able to return a book he had had for some time to Melinda.

Lion Karen was happy to see the kids from the robotics team here today; plus, she was pleased that she went trick-or-treating with her grandkids and noted that one of her neighbors was giving out beer. (it sounds like her neighbors were the Coneheads)

Lion Mark was happy that the Dodgers were now world champions and that he was going to Coronado Island for a week.  He also fined himself for not being at the club last week.

Even though Lion Melinda said we should stop with the baseball stuff, Lion Johnathan Ward said go, Rockies.


Lion Johnathan Ward

Zone chair Lion Johnathan Ward was our guest today. 

Lions Tony and Bob

Lion Tony collecting a happy buck from Lion Bob Line


The $5 drawing went to Lion Bob Line, who donated it to the Lions Eye Foundation. 

Lotto ticket: Lion Roy, winnings reported: zero dollars, zero tickets. zero, zero, zero.  

The marble drawing went to Lion Bob Line, who picked a nonwhite marble, winning nothing but that nonwhite marble.


Lion Melinda won the free add today. 

As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy) 


Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter 10-25-24

Visalia Host Lions Roar Newsletter 10-25-24

Lions meeting, October 25ht 2024

John Trask, our speaker today, talks about his return to South Korea a few years ago. 

Todays Meeting

After an almost two-month hiatus, the Roar is back. My editor’s union has been on strike, and as a loyal union member, I have been walking the picket line. Standing at the Smart and Final parking lot every Friday asking for handouts has been grueling. But management has come together with the union bosses and forged an agreement, and we’re back at it. Our pay has been increased, and we have a better medical plan and more vacation days. But still, there are no retirement benefits.  

Lion President Melinda led our meeting today and called on Lion Colin to lead us in saluting the flag, Lion Bob Line to lead us in singing a rousing rendition of Gog Bless America, and Lion Dee to do the invocation.  Lion Melinda then drew a ticket for the no-fine badge, which Lion Tom Link won. Much money was lost because of this.


Lion Melinda announced that Lion Steve was going to be starting radiation treatment for his recent diagnosis of a benign growth in his brain. Steve, you are in our thoughts and prayers.

This is a note that we are closing in on Thanksgiving, which means the Christmas Parade is just around the corner, so be ready to sign up to help.

A letter was sent to the club from Huston School thanking us for helping with their attendance drive.

Lion Melinda gave an update about our merger with the Sequoia Club. It’s on hold due to scheduling issues.

Secret Greeter: Lion Allen was it today, and he did an excellent job avoiding people’s handshakes.

having lunch

John Trask talks with some of our members. 

Lion Dee has Lion Allen draw a ticket.

Lion Tom auctions off his bag of salt water taffy. 

Our speaker, John Trask

Our Speaker, John Trask

Happy Bucks 

Lion Roy had a happy buck for the Dodgers facing the Yankees in the World Series and pledged $5 for every game the Dodgers Won.

Lion John was happy that a friend of his had had some surgery recently but had come out just fine.

Lion Dee was happy that he will have back surgery this coming Wednesday and hopes to be up and around in just a few days. He is looking forward to playing golf one day soon.  Keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

Lion Melinda was $5 happy because she has a grandson who is one year old today. She was also excited to see John Trask with us today and was very happy to be going to Texas to see former Host Lions Carol and Ed Jones.

Lion Tom Link was happy he made it to the club on time today.


Lion Roy fined himself $4 for missing the last four weeks of meetings—busy season with schools and sports photos.

Lion Dee gave us another question-and-answer session, asking how many people would be involved in our parents and grandparents if we went back ten generations. The answer is 4,096. We all owed a buck.


The $5 drawing went to Lion Roy who donated it to the Leo Club.

Lotto ticket: Lion Allen

The marble drawing went to Lion Roy, who picked a yellow marble. Winning nothing.


Roy, who won most everything today, won the free add, and guess what I posted.. 

As always, we are looking for speakers for the club. Use this schuduler app to book your speaker or send them the link to this page and have them do it themsilves. No need to contact me when you want to know if a date is available, if it open on this app, it’s available. (Lion Roy)